Anna Adela

I dont have any idea of what to write today. I just want to share my children’s photos with the rest of the world.

Abdullah Adam

My children are my world, they are my most precious treasure. I love them dearly. They taught me a lot about myself. Their hearts are so pure, untainted, full of love and happiness. They share with their love, affection, anger, sadness.


I remembered the quranic verses that i used to read to my children every night when I was pregnant (i whisper them on my tummy). “My son, do not associate any partner with Allah. Associating others with Him is a terrible wrong. My son, establish prayer and enjoin right and forbid wrong and be steadfast in the face of what befalls you. That is certainly the most resolute course to follow. Do not turn your cheek from people out of haughtiness and do not walk with arrogance in the land. Allah does not love any one who is boastful. Be moderate in your tread and lower your voice. The most hateful of voices is the donkey’s bray”. Al Quran 31:13-19.

It is not an easy job being a mother. But yet, it was not taught at schools and colleges. No one prepares me of what lies ahead. Its all trial and error. To be a good parent, I have to set good example like the prophet saying,” No parents can give their child a better gift than good manners, good character and good education”. Still…, being a fulltime mother is undervalued by the community. What do you do? they asked…I am just a housewife, I said. No comment, nothing interesting, and your opinion are not worthy. You look shabby (but oh no! not me) and your world is just inside your house. You wont know what we are talking about and you wont be interested with politics, science and technology. Let me finish with my experiment first, I would say silently, and one day you will realise the old saying, the hands that rock the cradle can shake the world, is very true afterall…

“Our Lord, give us comfort in our spouse and children and make us good example for those who ward off (evil)”. Al Quran 25:74

4 Replies to “Nothing..interesting?”

  1. nice to see your children on the web, i’m sure they’re famous by now. u sounded so down, but knowing u, i’m sure u are just happy as u’re. Keep up the good work.. u’re doing just great.

  2. Thanks, i am ok actually. I am happy as i am, its just the mentality of people surrounding me about the role of a housewife i wanted to change, : ). Anyway, thanks again.

  3. Assalamualaikum.
    Sebenarnya rumah adalah pusat kegiatan para wanita. Rumah adalah syurga dan medan jihad serta gelanggang bagi kaum wanita menumpukan masa bagi menyelesaikan tugas dan tanggungjawab mereka yang telah digariskan oleh Allah dan Rasul.

    Berbeza dengan kaum lelaki, gelanggang perjuangan mereka di luar. Segala pahala mereka ada di luar rumah. Tetapi sebaliknya bagi kaum wanita, mereka dengan mudah sahaja memperolehi pahala di rumah dan di sekitar perkarangan rumah mereka sendiri.

    Di dalam sebuah hadis Nabi s.a.w. pernah bersabda, maksudnya:

    ” Wanita yang tinggal di rumah bersama-sama (mendidik dan mengurus) anaknya, maka ia di akhirat akan tinggal bersama-sama dengan aku(Rasulullah s.a.w.) di dalam syurga.” Seorang wanita mempunyai nilai yang amat tinggi yang Allah letakkan di sisinya dengan diberinya ganjaran pahala yang berganda-ganda kepada suatu perkara yang mudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan sifat sebagai seorang wanita. Peruntukan ganjaran pahala seperti mana yang tidak ada untuk kaum lelaki. Tersebut di dalam sebuah hadis bahawa Nabi s.a.w. bersabda, maksudnya: “Seorang wanita yang redha mengandung bayi hasil perhubungan dengan suaminya yang sah dan suaminya redha pula kepadanya, maka Allah akan memberi ganjaran pahala sepertimana pahala puasa fisabilillah. Bila dia merasa sakit ketika akan melahirkan anak, maka Allah tambah lagi pahala yang tidak terkira oleh manusia oleh kerana terlalu banyaknya. Bila telah melahirkan anak dan dia menyusu dengan susunya sendiri, maka setiap seteguk susunya, Allah berikan satu kebajikan. Bila dia semalaman tidak tidur kerana mengawasi (menjaga) anaknya yang sekejap-sekejap menangis, sakit dan sebagainya, maka Allah beri lagi pahala seperti memerdekakan 70 orang hamba dalam Fisabilillah dengan ikhlas.” (H.R. Hassan bin Sofwan, At Tabrani, Ibnu Asakir)

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