Snowdrops in our garden, 1st sign of spring?

Lama sungguh tak update blog nih, sebuk sangat, sorry. Tadi, semasa mengambil Adam pulang dari sekolah, dia berbisik kepada saya,” Bubu, I’ve got another achievement award today..” katanya sambil tersenyum lebar. Saya bertanya kenapa? Adam jawab, ” sebab Adam show infront of 3 teachers how a muslim pray..” katanya lagi. “Macam mana boleh jadi macam tuh Adam?” saya bertanya lebih lanjut. “well, the headmistress called me into her office and ask me if i know how to pray, and if i can show infront of year 5 student tomorrow,.. but i said i was embarrased, so i show it to their teachers instead..” katanya dengan bangga. Alhamdulillah, kali ini merupakan kali kedua dam mengajar kepada cikgu2 dia tentang islam. Adam adalah the only muslim in his entire school. Sebelum nih cikgu tanya dia kenapa wanita islam pakai tudung, dan alhamdulillah so far saya puas hati dgn apa yg Adam dah terangkan kpd cikgu. Barulah saya betul-betul faham tentang kalimah, sejuk perut ibu mengandung 🙂

Adam and Adela rehat lepas balik sekolah today,.. and owh.. i’am so proud of them.

3 Replies to “Snowdrops”

  1. u know…as amother i can relate to you….my kids amazed me with their depth of actually “mencerna”apa yang kita ajar dan apa yang kita amalkan. Dulu masa diorang still toddlers ingatkan diorg tak faham apa kita cakap…actually they really absorbed inside their system…sekarang baru i nampak anak2 i blossom into beautiful trees..after all these years of planting and nourishing them with Islamic practice and values that we ourselves instilled in our hearts…don’t be satisfied ..push yourself to be a better leader to lead your children…however dear they are to us,remeber each of us stand alone in front of ALLAH..even our sweethearts

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